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Our Story

Change starts from the Individual, take your step now

MyPay Care is a fundraiser platform dedicated to providing help and making a change. An invaluable resource for individuals in Nepal facing medical crises and people in financial constraints. 
By providing a dedicated fundraising platform, MyPay Care empowers individuals to reach out to a wider community for support in covering their medical expenses. This platform serves as a beacon of hope for those who would otherwise be unable to afford essential treatments, surgeries, medications, or medical procedures. MyPay Care facilitates connections between those in need and compassionate donors, fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy within society

Our Vision

To protect lives, faith, and humanity

Our Goals

Composed in a pseudo-Latin language which more or less pseudo-Latin language corresponds.

Our Mission

Composed in a pseudo-Latin language which more or less pseudo-Latin language corresponds.


0 Lakh+

Donor Community


Patients Funded


Raised In 24 Hrs!
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